sexual harassment

  We get calls from managers about this all the time. A high performer in the company is behaving badly, and you have tried every technique in your management tool kit (and then some) to reign him in. Nothing seems to work.  Typically, this guy is critical to the success of the company, and you Read more

If you haven’t done sexual harassment training in your office yet, do it now. All your employees need to understand what behavior is appropriate in the workplace, and what isn’t. Training about what is sexual harassment and what are the clear expectations for behavior is an important start. But, if you really want to create Read more

To many of us, what is most shocking about the recent events involving Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Reilly is not the pervasive sexual harassment that has occurred for years and been ignored. But rather the abrupt shift in perception that this behavior is unacceptable, inappropriate and will not be tolerated Read more